The Goodbye Episode
In the final episode of Good Girls Talk About Sex, Leah talks about why she’s decided to end the podcast and what’s coming next.

The Widow’s Guide to Dead Bastards – Coaching Jessica Waite
Jessica’s world was turned upside down when her husband died suddenly and she uncovered evidence of his endless lies and a second life that she’d known nothing about.

Never go to bed angry & other terrible advice
We look at some of “Dear Abby”s terrible advice about relationships and conflict resolution. PLUS: the podcast is going on hiatus so Leah can take a well-deserved rest.

Road Trips and Sex Without Shame
Kristen Meinzer joins Leah to analyze how female sexuality is shown without shame in two movies: Joy Ride and Plan B

Find the red flags! – Coaching Sophilia
Why does Sophilia keep ending up in relationships where things don’t feel right, and the entire weight of making it better falls on her?

Navigating consent: When the teacher becomes the violator
Last year I found myself in the middle of a shitstorm for daring to expose a community leader’s abusive behavior. Today I tell the whole story.

Pop Culture Pillow Talk: Starstruck on HBO
What happens when your brain is so busy it can’t slow down to enjoy having sexy time with the cute guy who’s totally into you?

Having the best sex of my life at 63 – Debbie
In this coaching/storytelling episode, Debbie talks about having the best sex of her life at age 63. Her question: Is that usual?

Why don’t you want to have sex with me?
Danielle of Marriage & Martinis joins Leah to talk about the challenges of maintaining a healthy sex life with small children, as depicted in the HBO show “Togetherness.”

Navigating the sex talk demons
Leah joins Danielle of Marriage & Martinis to talk about why Danielle’s conversation with her husband about intimacy and pleasure was explosive and chaotic.