Does he love my body or just tolerate it?

Intuitive Eating Coach Stefanie Michele and I chatted on Instagram Live and she's let me release that audio here as well!
Good Girls Talk About Sex
Good Girls Talk About Sex
Does he love my body or just tolerate it?
Episode art "Does he love my body or just tolerate it?"

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I told you I’d drop something fun into your feed while I’m on break and here it is!

A couple days ago, I had a conversation with my friend Stefanie Michele on Instagram Live.  Stefanie is an Intuitive Eating coach who helps people break out of the binge and restrict patterns of disordered eating.

We talked about the intersection of body image and sex – believing our partner actually loves our body, rather than just tolerating it. If I’m not comfortable being naked in front of my partner? How do I get over the feeling that people would only be interested in me if I were more attractive?  And more.

You can find Stefanie on Instagram @IAmStefanieMichele.

I’ll be back with an all new interview episode next week!

Click for more like this:

The podcast has now concluded and is not accepting new guests.


Host / Producer / Editor – Leah Carey (email)
Transcripts – Jan Acielo
Music – Nazar Rybak